for Your Peace of Mind
At FoxPro Insurance, we believe in the power of collaboration. Our strong network of trusted partners plays a vital role in our ability to provide you with comprehensive insurance solutions.

American Modern Home & Property Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #:1-800-543-2644
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.amig.com/contact-us/
Payments Mailing Address: American Modern Insurance Group, PO Box 740167, Cincinnati, OH 45274-0167
Claims Phone #: 1-800-375-2075
Claims Webpage: https://www.amig.com/file-a-claim/

Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Business Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-800-673-2465
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.guard.com/contact-us/
Regular installments:
Berkshire Hathaway GUARD
P.O. Box 785570
Philadelphia, PA 19178-5570
Policy numbers with an R2 prefix:
Berkshire Hathaway GUARD
P.O. Box 785410
Philadelphia, PA 19178-541
Claims Phone #: 1-888-639-2567
Claims Webpage: https://www.guard.com/claims/

Bridger Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone#: 866-762-7332
Claims Phone #:855-543-0099

Coterie Commercial Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #:855-566-1011
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.coterieinsurance.com/contact/
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.coterieinsurance.com/contact/
Claims Phone #: 1-888-835-2164
Claims Webpage: https://www.coterieinsurance.com/claims/rance.com/contact/

Hiscox Small Business & Cyber Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-866-283-7545
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.hiscox.com/contact-us
Payments Mailing Address: Hiscox Inc., P.O. Box 74007206, Chicago, IL 60674-7206
Claims Phone #: 1-866-424-8508

Infinity Auto Insurance (Now Kemper Auto)
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-800-782-1020
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.infinityauto.com/contact-us
Roadside 1-800-782-1020
Payments Mailing Address: Infinity Insurance Companies, P.O. Box 830693, Birmingham, AL 35283-0693
Claims Phone #: 1-800-334-1661
Claims Webpage: https://www.infinityauto.com/claims

Liberty Mutual Business, Home, and Auto Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-800-290-7933
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.libertymutual.com/customer-support
Roadside : 1-800-426-9898
Payments Mailing Address: Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, Personal Market - RPC, PO Box 1604, New York, NY 10116-1604
Claims Phone #: 1-800-225-2467
Claims Webpage: https://www.libertymutual.com/claims-center

Markel Commercial Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-800-362-7535
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.markelinsurance.com/contact
Payments Mailing Address: Markel Insurance, PO Box 2009, Glen Allen, VA 23058-2009
Claims Phone #: 1-800-362-7535
Claims Webpage: https://www.markelinsurance.com/claims

National General Auto Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-888-293-5108
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.nationalgeneral.com/contact-us/
Roadside: 1-800-468-3466
Payments Mailing Address: National General Insurance, P.O. Box 1018, Winston-Salem, NC 27102
Claims Phone #: 1-800-325-1088
Claims Webpage: https://www.nationalgeneral.com/claims-center/

Nationwide Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-877-669-6877
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.nationwide.com/personal/contact-us/
Roadside: 1-800-421-3535
Payments Mailing Address: Nationwide Insurance, PO Box 742522, Cincinnati, OH 45274-2522
Claims Phone #: 1-800-421-3535
Claims Webpage: https://www.nationwide.com/personal/insurance/claims/

Next Business Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-855-222-5919
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.nextinsurance.com/contact-us/
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.nextinsurance.com/contact-us/
Claims Phone #: 1-855-222-5919
Claims Webpage: https://www.nextinsurance.com/claims/

Pacific Specialty Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Support: 800-303-5000
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.pacificspecialty.com/customer-support/
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.pacificspecialty.com/contact-us/
Claims Phone #: 1-800-962-1172
Claims Webpage: https://www.pacificspecialty.com/claims/

The Hartford Business Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-860-547-5000
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.thehartford.com/contact-the-hartford
Roadside: 1-800-322-7789
Payments Mailing Address:
The Hartford
P.O. Box 2917,
Hartford, CT 06104
Claims Phone #: 1-800-243-5860
Claims Webpage: https://www.thehartford.com/claims

Travelers Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-800-842-5075
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.travelers.com/contact-us
Roadside: 1-800-252-4633
Payments Mailing Address: Travelers Personal Insurance, PO BOX 660307, Dallas, TX 75266-0307
Claims Phone #: Personal Insurance: 1-800-252-4633,
Business Insurance: 1-800-238-6225
Claims Webpage: https://www.travelers.com/claims

USLI Insurance
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-866-632-2003
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.usli.com/contact-us
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.usli.com/contact-us
Claims Phone #: 1-888-875-5231
Claims Webpage:

Westchester (A Chubb Company)
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-800-252-4670
Customer Service Webpage:
Customer Service Phone #: 1-800-252-4670
Claims Phone #: 1-800-CLAIMS-0 (1-800-252-4670)
Claims Webpage:

biBERK Insurance (a Berkshire Hathaway Company)
Customer Service
Mailing Address
Customer Service Phone #: 1-844-472-0966
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.biberk.com/contact-us
Customer Service Webpage: https://www.biberk.com/contact-us
Claims Phone #: 1-800-416-0285
Claims Webpage: https://www.biberk.com/claims